Horizontal lines on mount of venus

These are horizontal lines on the wrist, which appears when palm is bent towards wrist. Crossed lines on the tip of the thumb show a frustrated or unhappy person. The nature of the trouble faced by the person will depend upon the intensity of the bars cutting the fate line. Mounts and disease mount of jupiter guru parvat, lungs, liver, and throat. The reason these lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on the mind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in the hand. A grid on the mount represents a cancellation of the positive aspects of the vertical versus the negative aspects of the horizontal lines. Strong deep, horizontal lines from the root of the second phalanx of the thumb to the line of life qvetpowering influence of the opposite sex upon a portion of the. Listed below are nine of the more common minor lines and their general meanings. Its so named because it originates from the mount of moon located on the base of the palm, little finger side and descends upward to the mount of sun located below the ring finger which is. Unlucky signs on the hands which will bring bad luck in. If cross close to fate line not touching on right side mount of venus indicates problem in personal and professional life due to interference of relatives and family members. Indian palmistrythe rule to tell the planets wikisource.

Several horizontal lines on a good mount of moon represent several overseas trips. Venus and moon mount are also of extreme importance excluding which prediction cannot be accurate, like horizontal lines from the mount of venus which cuts atma rekha or life line can be very dangerous for the stability of marriage, like wise sign of. Palmistry fate line your fate line is the key to your. And if a large mount of moon is coupled with a prominent mount of venus, the. The areas covered by the mount of venus clearly points out. If it is found on the venus mount of a person that also represents a bad sign. A triangle indicates political acumen and a spot is indicative of losses in business. Prominent horizontal lines on this mount are thought to indicate a romantic person with powerful charm over lovers see pic b. Do you have these special signs on the mount of venus. The analysis is based on the present information regarding this.

If this mount is normally elevated, it can indicate an attractive and healthy individual who is passionate about the arts and the finer. If you have a cross at the base of your middle finger mount of saturn and another on the wrist line, either left or right hand, and the two crosses are in a line, then you are least resistant to temptation, and very likely to have an affair. What a vertical line rising from life line and terminating. A vertical line or two on the lower phalange is a sound power of reasoning. This is due to the bad influence of planets and the incompatibility of their palm lines. With a triangle present, the person shows political sagacity. The planets are considered unfortunate when confused lines, broken semicircle, gridiron marks, or signs contrary to the mounts indicated above, as. Know the significance of the minor lines on your palm in palmistry, all lines on your palm hold a special significance and apart from. Nitin kumar palmist mount of marsi mangal parvat, operation. If the mount of venus has prominent horizontal lines, that is often a sign of a romantic and charming person who is very attractive to potential. As such, it represents writing skill, and desire for change. If there is a grill over the mount of mercury, it indicates a tendency towards cheating others. According to the palmistry study, lines of venus are not generally considered good.

A line that connects from the life line to the moon mount is a travel line. With a grille over the mount of jupiter, the person thinks of big. Prominent horizontal lines on the mount of venus are thought to indicate a person with powerful charm over lovers. It tells that the person is passionate about too many things. This positive marker suggests supercharged potential for accomplishing great achievement. The happiness related to vehicle is depending on type of these lines. Strong deep, horizontal lines from the root of the second phalanx of the thumb to the line of life qvetpowering influence of the opposite sex upon a portion of the subjects life. Palmistry meanings traits and characteristics lines. Grille on the mount of venus suggests that the person is excessively passionate about sex rather than emotions in the relationship or marriage.

Thumb lines in palmistry explained destiny palmistry. You must have noticed a grille or netlike structure gets formed by the intersection of the minor lines on the mount of venus as shown. What are the solutions for horizontal lines on mars and venus. Grill or net sign on upper middle part of palm is the indication of bad luck. A number of lines on the luna mount show that the subject may travel. No horizontal lines, dots and moles should be present on this. Mount of venus palm reading vertical and horizontal lines in.

Mount of venus palm reading vertical and horizontal. Lines and signs on the mount of venus chest of books. Horizontal lines coming from the edge percussion of the palm over the mount of mercury indicate the possibility of marriage or the degree of sexuality present. If there are cross lines or horizontal lines then this means that the person is likely to go on a long journey, perhaps a cruise. Whether it took its rise first in chaldea, india, or egypt is. Mount of luna palm reading vertical and horizontal lines.

The presence of many lines on the mount means that the subject has intuition and occult abilities. Mtrue honors classic western palmistry and provides sample palmistry readings and indepth readings at reasonable fees for online clients. You can learn secrets of palmistry here and apply them but you need lots of practice. A star connected by a line of influence with the mount of venus or the line of life hysteria or insanity often of an erotic character. Mount of moon located on the left side and mount of venus is located on the right side of fate line on the right hand. Mystery palm intends to educate the public about the ancient art of palmistry. The intuition marks in our hand 1 crosses under mount of jupiter and in the quadrangle indicates interest in occult. Life line brownish line begins at palms radial side between thumb and pointer finger and travels around venus mount toward base of palm begins loaded with tiny upward lines indicating fiery nature and ambition from early age on. Mount of saturn shani parvat, depression, leg, bone, and teeth. An island on venus mount is a sign of arguments and disagreements with their partner or. Do you have these horizontal ridgeslines on your nails.

Traditionally mars is associated with energy, force, anger, harsh speech, fighting tendencies, drive to achieve, initiatives, taking action, physic. Horizontal lines on the thumb tip if not due to dry skin, point to nervous tension, overdoing things or poor health. What are the solutions for horizontal lines on mars and venus mounts in palmistry. Grill or net sign on mount of venus indicates that the bearer is extremely erotic. This mount is a representation of the family, desire, romance and love in ones life. The mount of venus is located on the palm of the hand at its base, between the thumb and the life line. Since the mount of venus indicates emotional person while the line of the heart or soul is a personal human life and spiritual character each palmist must consider simultaneously the mound of. The mount of venus is named after the goddess of love. Grill or net sign on mount of mars indicates sudden death. Wrist lines or bracelet lines or rascette lines are located at the base of palm. A changeable, worrisome character may frustrate lovers. The lines of influence, both vertical and horizontal, form what is commonly called the grille on the mount of venus. Ive been getting a lot of questions lately about the meaning of extra horizontal lines on the fingers, especially on the baby finger. These wrist lines gives idea about health, wealth and age of the person.

The sun line or apollo line is one of the important lines in palm reading. The length of each line, the number of lines on the hill or direction have their value. A good mount of mars represents interest in defense, martial arts or sports. Grille on the mount of venus suggests that the person is excessively passionate about sex rather than emotions in. What are the solutions for horizontal lines on mars and. If multiple bars cuts the fate line also known as career line at the end on the mount of saturn as shown represents the bearer will suffer a series of severe setbacks in ones life which will mar ones reputation and the person is likely to suffer from huge financial losses.

It is pathetic to see misunderstandings between several newly married couples. To understand the lines, first you have to understand the characteristics of the planet associated. Important points about good venus mount nikhils world. The lines of influence, both vertical and horizontal, form what is. Grill or net sign on mount of moon indicates that the bearer will always have disturbed mind and will always be unsatisfied. Sun line, apollo line palm reading chinese palmistry. It is to be remembered in this connection that those lines which start from the thumb and move towards the health lines, are to be called the lines of venus. Mount of venus is located at the base of the thumb and is encircled by the. Chiromancy, or, as it is more generally called, palmistry, is a science of great antiquity, as it is based on the doctrines of the kabbalathe origin of which is lost in the night of ages. Many horizontal lines on mount of venus indicates stress horizontal lines on the third phalenge. These minor fire, or sun lines, lines of capability w. A cross on the mount of venus is particularly negative, and denotes an insatiable and violent passion for the opposite sex if on an overdeveloped mount. Luna or moon indicates sense of imagination, inventiveness, intuition, and romantic aspirations.

A vertical line or two on the top phalange is positive energy for willpower. Indian vedic palmistry deals with marriage lines, divorce lines, separation lines in the palms and how to understand them. It can also reveal a strong desire to nurture and protect others, especially if accompanied by samaritan lines a series of short vertical lines on the mercury mount. It is to be remembered in this connection that those lines which start from the thumb and move towards the health lines, are to be called the lines. Single, clearc ut, deep and straight vertical lines etched above heart lines on sun mounts are firegoverned energy channels for creativity. The earth or venus mount crease is the deep horizontal line on the venus mount, which adds earthy traits of loyalty and honesty. The easiest way to understand these lines is to think of each horizontal line as a challenge or block to be overcome, and each vertical line as a breakthrough or advancement. Horizontal lines on the mount of venus 299 are persons or events which have crossed our.

If these 2 conditions are satisfied, then atma rekha would be appropriately surrounding the venus mount which is a necessary condition for stability of venus mount. But, if there are horizontal lines which form a square, the obstacles to fulfilling his desires are removed. This mount is normally around a third of the subjects palm. Plenty of fine lines going in different directions on this mount often looking like a grid suggests a person who is quite complex in the area of love. It is an indicator of love, romance, passion, sensuality, the lovers one chooses and physical appearance. Meaning of fate line in indian palmistry indian palm. It was his view that lines are not written into the human hand without reason. The sign of island is usually not a good symbol in palmistry. It should be well established, nether over established nor under established. Most often, grilles that appear on mount of venus mixed lines, both horizontal and vertical represent lots of misguided or splintering energy. The mount of mars positive physical courage, martial spirit, aggression.

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